Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Take Heed Superhero Drug Fiend!

154-5401_IMG, originally uploaded by Jadore Dejeuner.

watch out for this sht kids!

Bunnies will eat your carrots!

Why do you need carrots?
Because they contain beta-carotene. Ever heard of VitaminA? beta-carotene is like a vegetable source of it.
What does it do for you?
Eating these carrots will keep all of your skin healthy for one, especially the lining of your nostrils and throat,(attention smokers and druggies!at least compensate.) and the prisms that catch light and enable vision. Especially night-vision. Superheroes take heed of my advice. You can't be a sneezing, sniffling, bumbling fool when you're trying to be stealth.

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